I went to a university interview today and on the train journey back home I got thinking about selfishness.
Being selfish is usually seen as an inherently bad quality and that you should put others before yourself if you want to keep them (in particular with friends). When I was finding the quote above on Pinterest I saw so many quotes talking about how if you are selfish be miserable. But I think everyone is a little selfish - in a good way however. It's like in that episode of Friends when Joey is debating with Phoebe about how there's no such thing as a selfless good deed. I think it's good though to be a little selfish in these aspects.
For example, if you perform a good deed for someone and they show gratitude for it you feel better about yourself - you feel happy. However, if you perform a good deed for someone as simple as holding a door open for them and they don't thank you, you don't feel as good.
Similarly you give presents to people and you feel happy when they appreciate and enjoy your presents.
Overall, it's ok to be selfish at some points in your life. But don't think more about yourself when it comes to friends and family as "if you're too selfish you'll eventually end up with no one".
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